
Plugit Finland will invest 100 million euros in Finnish Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure

Finland, the leading provider of EV-charging solutions, is investing 100 million euros in charging infrastructure implementation. Plugit Finland introduces the Nordics’ first genuine Charging as a Service (CaaS) service model, which requires no initial investment from the customer.

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Currently expansion rate of charging infrastructure is slowing down EV investments

The current EV charging network, with growth rate not matching demand, is currently a bottleneck for investments in electric transport equipment, both in private and in commercial use. The most critical shortage are fast charging stations and solutions.

EV charging systems for heavy commercial traffic in particular are typically demanding to implement and require customized solutions.

The growing number of EVs and the correspondingly increasing need for charging capacity & coverage require introduction of service-based easy-to-use charging solutions.

”For eventually Enabling CaaS, Plugit teams have been working hard for years. The goal of the CaaS model is to accelerate the transition rate towards emission-free traffic by removing uncertainties and the cost of investment. I’m proud how Plugit Finland as a domestic charging solution supplier accelerates the growth of emission-free traffic by its own initiative”, states Tommi Saarela, CEO of Plugit Finland Oy.

CaaS enables accelerated growth

In order to remove growth obstacles of electronic traffic, Plugit Finland invests in charging infrastructure and is the first vendor to introduce a genuine CaaS model to commercial traffic and industry in general. CaaS i.e., charging as a service, enables charging of EV vehicles with a monthly fee without initial investment.

Plugit caas
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According to CaaS model, Plugit Finland owns the charging equipment and the related infrastructure immediately related to them. The customer pays for charging based on, for example: capacity, charging time or charged energy. Service and maintenance response times can also be defined separately and capacity and location growth plan can be dynamically adjusted.

DIF Capital Partners became the majority shareholder of Plugit Finland in 2021 and set a strategic initiative to accelerate introduction of the CaaS model. To achieve the goal, DIF committed a fund of 100 million euros, which Plugit Finland will invest in EV charging infrastructure for CaaS.

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Ten years’ experience with smart charging solutions

Plugit Finland was founded ten years ago to cater the emerging EV charging needs. In addition to growth, Plugit Finland has created new solutions for emission-free traffic and brought intelligent charging solutions, such as optimization of energy use, load management, cloud services and demand side response solutions.

More information:

Tommi Saarela, CEO


+358 40 505 8940

plugit caas
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